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梦之旅:When I Dream - Carol Kidd
送交者: 老雄鹰 2004年10月18日17:20:31 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

When I Dream Carol Kidd

梦之旅 英译中:山中狼

I could build a mansion 我可以造白色的大房子
that is higher than the trees 比所有的大树还要高
I could have all the gifts I want 我可以拥有所想要的礼物
and never ask please 从不需要请求
I could fly to Paris 我可以飞越巴黎
it's at my beck and call 只不过是举手之劳
Why do I live my life alone 可为什么我是这么孤单
with nothing at all 还是一无所有

But when I dream 但当我披上梦之翅膀
I dream of you 你就在梦中出现
maybe some day 但愿有那么一天
you will come true 美梦不再是幻想
when I dream 我们在梦的星空翱翔
I dream of you 一起邀游苍穹
maybe some day 但愿有那么一天
you will come true 美梦不再是幻想

I can be the singer 我会唱无数优美的歌
or the clown in any room 我会扮演各样的小丑
I can call up someone 我能驾着歌的飞船
to take me to the moon 飞向美丽的月球
I can put my make-up on 我可以穿上美丽的衣裳
and drive a man insane 让你坠入我爱的陷阱
I can go to bed alone 我可以独自安然入睡
and never know his name 却从来不知道他的名字

But when I dream 但当我披上梦之翅膀
I dream of you 你就在梦中出现
maybe some day 但愿有那么一天
you will come true 美梦不再是幻想
when I dream 我们在梦的星空翱翔
I dream of you 一起邀游苍穹
maybe some day 但愿有那么一天
you will come true 美梦不再是幻想

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