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张真: 朋友家里的猫
送交者: LakeCamper 2004年11月03日18:17:11 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

Zhen Zhang: A Friend's House Cat

When you opened the door for us
you amazed us by standing straight up, real still
staring at our enormous luggage
We had also noticed
your snowwhite belly, furry and adulating
and also male

When we started to drink tea
An old cactus on the window pane came into view
So we were told that, when you're tired
you would sit on it for a nap
But you never appeared sleepy to me
your body was as tight as a metal spring

We didn't dare to look at you
Your right eye red and burning
and the other one dark like a cave
but at night they all shot out the same blue
You indulged yourself in all kinds of curves, like mad --
shoelaces, tablelegs, and keychains
You almost broke my neck while winding around it
There was a moment when I just pointed to an old painting
your front paw quickly snatched my index finger
Since then, whenever I eat
that finger feels an unspeakable heaviness

Nightfall brought out the maddest out of you
You stuck your head into a boot and flipped
then shot your body up, like an arrow
across the long table where we sat
You twisted with some scary pastures
With a shrill you jumped onto the piano
The noise was deafening
At the same time the clock struck
That was when the wall started to rock

All night in the first night
you squatted by our pillows
While we were making love, you, too
made some deep moans down your throat
like a old man dying of asthma
Your eyes looked like ghost-fires
their curses horrified me
I also stared back at you all night
never could sleep

When we were leaving
It was you again who opened the door
this time expressionless
But on the train
I discovered that all my poetry scratches
had been chewed into bits and pieces

Never in this life could I find out
whether you love me or hate me
I could never escape from you late at night
especially when the day had been dark and heavy


[For Chinese original, see http://www.lingshidao.com/xinshi/zhangzhen.htm)

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