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You are out of your mind
送交者: tangto 2008月06月27日11:05:30 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 为什么突然间冒出这么反对的贴子呢?很显然中共特务在作怪人才辈出 于 2008-06-26 19:53:43
I think you are out of your mind. The point here is about Chinese in general. Bill Gates donated all his money does not make all americans generous. Just as one Lei Feng dones not make all chinese nobel man. The point here is Americans is just as greed/generous as any other nations. I do believe Chinease have the ability to manage themselves do not need some neo-colonist bastards to point finger at no matter what kind cloak he is hind behind.
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