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Learn history before you speak
送交者: tangto 2008月06月27日21:04:48 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: High Quality WorkQingXingChen 于 2008-06-27 12:14:24
I have only three points to reply:
1. Beauty is in the eyes of hehold--I see lots of beautiful whites and also lots of ugly one. It is the same as in other animal kingdoms: I do not feel afica elephant is more beauty or ugly than asia elephant. As a matter of facts, the judgement of beauty is in large part afffected by more ads and other medium. Even for QingXingChen (I doubt it is your realy name), I can imagine him as a vicious snake, but I may still find some beauty out of him.
2. It is true, China is not at the front of scientific achievement in recent couple hundred of years. But from historical point view, China, Arab countries, India all have glorious past, recent couple of hundred years is just a second compared with long history of mankind. Also, western sciences and technology probably bring more disater to other countries than progress. The science and technology were used more often to colonize, to murder than to construct, to help. Though I also believe, in general things are improving, now.
3. I do feel your are really a dirty and useless person, I am glad you do not like chinese people. Obvious, you find it is no use trying to bully Chinese anymore, no body will give a shit aboput what you think.
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