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rigged election system...
送交者: 王利民 2021月01月09日13:44:40 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Where is VP Mike Pence?王利民 於 2021-01-09 12:58:57

The enemies of President Trump and Trump supporters try to make VP Mike
Pence as a victim of Trump's and Trump supporters'. The absolute reality is
that Mike Pence is a victim too of the election fraud. The VP may not have
the dominance power together with a minority of Senators and Representatives
to reject some absolutely questionable electorial college votes, but the
Trump-Pence ticket supporters want to hear at least VP Mike Pence raises his
own objection on the Senate presidium. VP Mike Pence simply should not be
dominated by some Trump-heater Senators. Remember, count every LEGAL vote
only. It's a rigged election system, and that's partly why the GA run-off
came out the way it is. I have been paying attention to the poll sites, and
I have polled some Americans about election, the facts only support the
conclusion that it is a rigged election system.

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