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jews jail my child in hospital
送交者: 王利民 2021月09月25日18:21:31 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: MIDNIGHT EMERGENCY OF MY CHILD王利民 於 2021-09-24 23:38:05

September 25, 2021
by Limin Wang

LONG ISLAND jewish medical center JAILS MY 17-yr-old Child
September 25, 2021
by Limin Wang

It has been said that my 17-yr-old CHILD Alexandria had been sent by EMS to Long Island Jewish Medical Center Northwell Health (270-05 76th Ave, New Hyde Park, NY 11040) by EMS in very early hours of today. The SYSTEM knows all the miserable situations of this family, but the humanscums by the name of helpers INTENTIONALLY sent my child SO FAR away from home to a JEWISH hospital. I had been murder-attempted at workplace and then further murder-attempted at the medical places mostly by Jews! I do not have a car to go and it's even out of the five boroughs of NYC by MTA!  

I called this medical center in total about eight times between 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. at their number (718) 470-7000, and a MALE claimed he was the treating physician and would hospitalize my daughter for one to two weeks. I said NOBODY LEGALLY COMPETENT from this family has given them the needed consent for these shameless ones to pretend giving such "care". He hung up.  My wife Li Li has been turned into a PSYCHOPATH since Li Li ran away twice in 2014 aided and coerced by this EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM, and the psychiatric Li Li has been the MAIN reason that my 17-yr-old child finally fell into the SYSTEM'S HUMANSCUMS' TRAPS and made things WORSE by wishing for HELP from the SYSTEM and  then tragedy came to last night's point!!!!!!! In other words, my wife Li Li should NOT be considered NOW by the EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM to be COMPETENT to give any consent to anything like long-term or expensive "treatments" as a PARENT/CUSTODIAN!!!!!! I Have said the mental situation of Li Li to the police last night. The police came so late and took my driver license ID for a while. Their delay was probably for designing a scheme upon the situation development.

Readers, please get a sense of what kind of evil hospital it is FROM THEIR HANDLING OF PHONE CALLS. That male presumed to be a physician arrogantly talked as if he HAD the sole power to give the "treatments" to anyone he deems as a patient! So many other calls were either not picked up or simply long wait or long wait after long wait. On one call, some woman tried to PRETEND to be my child by stating my child's first name! Some women over there were claiming either that I screamed so the phone was hung up, or claiming my child went to sleep at such early time and my wife was still talking to the doctor so neither of my family members could talk to me; or claiming the nurse "caring" my child was not available over the whole two hours to pick up my phone; or claiming the male doctor has talked to me MANY TIMES already, or claiming that I have been calling them ALL DAY. WHAT KIND OF HUMANSCUMS ACTING AS MEDICAL PROVIDERS CAN ACTUALLY PROVIDE? THEY COULD NOT EVEN MAKE A PHONE CONTACT WORK OVER TWO HOURS BY MULTIPLE EFFORTS! Also, this jewish hospital prevents patients to use their phones there and doesn't provide any outlet for patients to charge their phones, simply by the "hospital" hostile rule. I truly believe they are so cowardous that people may use their phones to record some UGLY OR EVIL things about them. 

I called 911 about this, and the woman said 911 could not ensure the jewish hospital establish the phone connection or bring my child and wife back while NO legally valid consent exists. I truly believe the recent series of things are just part of the evil scheme that the EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM has been taking on this family, every member of this family, no matter youngster or adult!!!!!!! I would NEVER give any consent of any treatments by such a Jewish Medical Center other than a verbal consultation to my minor child with the presence of Li Li, and I want the child and Li Li to come back NOW.

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