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update of Sept 28, 2021, pm
送交者: 王利民 2021月09月28日14:10:42 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: jewish medical center JAILS MY CHILD王利民 於 2021-09-25 16:54:43

From around 15 pm, September 28, 2021, Tuesday, I have been calling and waiting long after I dialed (718) 470-7000 so far twice. My phone has been transferred around and around, and a male sound like from a pervert or drug-addict weirdly asked my child Alexandria Wang's name and calling reason, and then I was kept waiting on the phone so long without anyone picking it up. During the second call to -7000, Long Island Jewish Medical Center female operator (old sound) transferred my phone, and a woman eventually picked up my phone, and with a friendly-enough tone asked my child's name and Date Of Birth, and then claimed she could NOT find my child at the whatever Hillside Hospital, but found my child was still at the Pediatrician Emergency at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, and then phone was transferred specifically by this good-heart lady specifically to the Pediatrician Emergency at LIJMC, and then the same male voice now briefly asked, and I then was put on waiting. After about ten minutes, then a blurry woman voice came over to talk jibbish over the phone, and I know definitely that's not my child. And then the phone was transferred around again to the beginning operator.... This kind of phone call last about THIRTY MINUTES. What Long Island Jewish Medical Center provides?

Then I called 911 again. A woman voice, soon turned into a heavy-accented voice, answered me. She claimed that I have the parental right on my 17-year-old child and claimed the police can NOT rescue my child out of LIJMC. She claims I have to travel over to the hospital over there to bring my child out. I said to her about what LIJMC has so far mistreated me the parent over the phone, and explicitly said it would more likely to be a plot of the EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM to irritate me there and then SIMPLY claim I am psychiatric and then these humanscums would hurt me or shot me. She first doubted my suspicion by her weird saying, almost verbatim quoting here, "you are saying they will shoot you again and again". Then I brought up one example of the many dangerous encounter with the NYC police. I started the beginning of the June 30, 2018 call of 911. When I said that the police came and immediately disperse the family members and a white male policeman called me to the rental apartment building's front, and hostilely began the talk by asking me, "What's in your pocket?" I was wearing a white short sleeved shirt and a shorts at the bottom. Since of the past dangerous encounters with the NYC police, so I was alert against their potential motivations and moves, and I then said it's nothing and I did not reach my pocket. When I said to here, the 911 woman wanted to shift the talk away of police murdering plot, but I insisted that she let the brief whole account of this time's premeditated murder by NYC police. I continued that then the police shifted to a corner spot so security cameras could not catch his moves. Then he was not talking about the reason of that 911 call. Instead, he started to use body language and verbal language attempting to irritate me. I stayed calm and quite to his irritations. Then more male police came over, and a mid-aged blackman seemed to be a leader. Among this new group of policemen, an Asian policeman was joking to the irritating white police, "I heard you were screaming for back-up." Then a couple of other policemen, white, were simply verbally and body-languagely irritating me, one was saying, "you are ranting." while I was ABSOLUTELY NOT RANTING. Enough evidence convinces readers the NYC police's premeditated murder? I had been premeditatedly and coordinatedly murder-attempted by humanscums at slavery workplace through heavy or intentionally-made-faulty ladders, and then by medical professional humanscums in disguise of diagnoses and treatments earlier. And on June 21, 2018, I contacted the Chinese government Foreign Affairs Department to renew my Chinese passport and reported that I have been multiple-times murder-attempted. Then NYC police wanted to take my 911 call about my wife, who had been CREATED as a psychopath by the EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM, to murder me and then to cover up all of these humanscums' evil deeds done to me and my family.

Back to this time my 17-yr-old child being falsely imprisoned by LIJMC by the police's claim that my daughter Alexandria Wang wants to commit suicide so he brought the EMS to take my child away. I HAVE NEVER HEARD FROM MY CHILD ALEXANDRIA WANG ANYTIME THAT SHE WOULD POSSIBLY COMMIT SUICIDE. But, the policeman took my driver license ID away for a moment because he claimed he needed it. Then the police and EMS took my child to the ambulance. The police prevented me from going together with the child. My wife, Li Li, was so psychiatrically resisting to go together with the child. It's the NYC police kind of forcefully persuading Li Li to come out of the hallway again and leave the building.

Now, readers, what the EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM HAS DONE to me? I have said about the hospital LIJMC's hostility. I have said about the 911's now-non-responsibility. The American Children Service or whatever related name kept coming to this rental place and kept calling my phone. I have been frankly texting with an ACS man since last night until early this afternoon. The NYC-WELL, whose two blacks, one man and one woman, brought a swarm of police on the late afternoon of September 22, 2021, so far has NOT sent anyone here about Li Li's psychiatric issues. Nobody was treating Li Li's psychiatric issues at LIJMC. 

Those are something I mentioned about the AMERICAN SYSTEM'S "treatments"! Readers to judge. Why they could not use Li Li again to sign up for whatever documents for claimed transfer-to-another-hospital or release now????????????? Why these humanscums could NOT consider Li Li as a competent mother now???????

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