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Today, January 14, 2022, the d
送交者: 王利民 2022月01月14日11:40:00 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Psychiatric Li Li on display王利民 于 2022-01-13 07:59:16

Today, January 14, 2022, the day after Jan. 13, 2022 virtual hearing of the eviction case which still has not allowed me time to bring up the facts that the landlords and their accomplices have inflicted tremendous various harms and assaults and threats on this family, landlord Maurice Shiau sent his usual handyman Mr. He, presumably to fix a sink drain of the third floor, as I got the info from the third floor tenant. I told Li Li to pay attention to what they may be doing inside the building. Li Li, instead, now against her usual dislike to News on TV or Radio, kept wanting to have TV or Radio on, or to go outside. When she eventually watched the surveillance together with me, Li Li kept showing her PSYCHIATRIC body-language with ANGRY SIGHING, FORCEFUL SNIFFING, FREQUENT HEAD SHAKING. So then I turned a security camera to Li Li, she started to angrily scream that as if I had done things so EGREGIOUS while just paying close attention to the hostile-landlord side's movements. Such a psychiatric PROSTITUE LI LI always astonishingly believes and behaves as if all outsiders, not matter what they have actually done to her and to me and to the children, WERE HARMLESS OR EVEN HELPFUL!!!!!!!!! Why such an always-staying-home psychiatric prostitute Li Li has not gone with anyone who she thinks has loved her well enough by her views, or has not gone away to live alone, or has not gone away to raise and live with her own biological children, simply to leave me Limin Wang alone???????? The prostitute Li Li has never loved me, but has always used and harmed me because of her own and her prostitution patrons' motivations --- to torture and to ruin me, a Maoist Communism believer and follower. There are still quite a lot of audio and video recordings of Li Li's psychiatric moments, probably to some humanscums' disappointment, these recordings not sexual stuff in this prostitution prevalent and pervasive "free" world.

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