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March 08, 22 Night, Li Li MESS
送交者: 王利民 2022月03月08日21:05:09 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: LI LI CLAIMED KEYS LOST AGAIN王利民 于 2022-03-06 19:24:44

March 08, 2022 Night (to March 09), Li Li the humanscum PLAYED this way to another set of keys at home: The cat needs to go outside to the backyard, and has made the signal, but Li Li the humanscum keeps unresponding to the cat's signal. Then I go to look for the key to open the backdoor, but I could not find it at the usual spot or anywhere nearby! Since Li Li was the one had closed the backdoor, then I asked her. Li Li got up and acted to eagerly look for the set of keys. She could not find anywhere. Then I become mad. Then the PROSTITUTE Li Li claims she gets "domestic violence" kind of harm from my anger! I then happen to see the set of keys is stuck in the pile of NAPKIN! So I question Li Li: how the FUCK she stuck the set of keys into the NAPKIN pile? She is not supposed to lock the backdoor with the key in the DARKNESS! From such details, I am so sure that Li Li is a sophisticated PROSTITUTE EVIL who DELIBERATELY BEHAVES ON MANY THINGS AND SCENES.

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