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Early this morning, when I ask
送交者: 王利民 2022月04月29日12:30:55 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: PSYCHIATRIC LI LI VIOLENT AGAI王利民 於 2022-04-29 12:11:28

Early this morning, when I asked Li Li where she put the two screws I had put on a plate to dry. Li Li then brought the two screws out from her plastic drawer, and claimed that I, Limin Wang, had put them there! IT'S ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO PUT SUCH AN ITEM INTO HER DRAWER, because these two screws were from the bathtub drain's FAULTY BLOCK-CYLINDER SET! The landlord has mounted such a faulty set that the drain cylinder can not be COCKED to the OPEN position, i.e., the water can NOT drain if one does not know the UNUSUAL TRICK to cock or hold it to the OPEN position, so it's a pain since my family's move-in in year 2011 to use the bathtub. Recently, I took that fucking set off, and today I was trying to get the set wrapped as an EVIDENCE about the METICULOUSLY FAULTY APPLIANCES. I had been doing my best to hold off my anger when the humanscum Li Li claimed I put the two screws so far away into her drawer.

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