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The Economy and Markets 5/11
送交者: FVCK 2022月05月12日02:29:00 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: The Economy and Markets 5/05 FVCK 于 2022-05-06 02:39:31

The Economy and Markets

5/11  Wall Street’s biggest bear sees much more pain, S&P to 3,350 – Zero Hedge
5/11  On the threshold of bond market history – Seeking Alpha
5/11  The harsh realities of caving into emotional trading – Technical Traders
5/11  Inflation slamming small business – Seeking Alpha
5/11  BlackRock’s $9 billion star stock-picker just turned bearish – Zero Hedge
5/11  The stock market carnage that you have been waiting for is here – SHTF Plan
5/11  10-year treasury yield jumps back above 3% on hot CPI – CNBC
5/11  Stocks rebound as investors shake off another hot inflation report – CNBC
5/11  Fear and loathing return to Tech start-ups – DNYUZ
5/11  Investing conservatively = calm, cool and big dividends – Technical Traders
5/11  What will the next “market bottom” look like? – Zero Hedge
5/10  JPMorgan: “I haven’t seen investors this bearish since 2008” – Zero Hedge
5/10  FedSpeak saves stocks ahead of CPI scare, bond yields tumble – Zero Hedge
5/10  Monday bloodbath! – Zero Hedge
5/10  Retail is puking: “This is the 5th biggest sell day on record” – Zero Hedge
5/10  Oil stocks plummet as broader markets tanks – Oil Price
5/10  Ed Yardeni plays it safe: 30% chance of recession in US – Sounding Line
5/10  El-Erian blames liquidity risk for market ‘mess’ – YouTube
5/10  David Rosenberg: The recession is probably already starting – YouTube
5/10  Tech giants lost over $1 trillion in value in last three trading days – CNBC
5/10  For tens of millions of Americans, the good times are right now – DNYUZ
5/10  Massacre just doesn’t let up: Another IPO stock -90% from high – Wolf Street
5/10  Fed warns of negative feedback loop and fragile liquidity – Mish Talk

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