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送交者: 王利民 2022月08月03日08:12:56 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: My Interactions with SSA & APS王利民 于 2022-07-29 06:16:36

On August 03, 2022, Wednesday, I emailed this post to question@nycourts.gov, housing court clerk Serena Valdes <svaldes@nycourts.gov>, landlord's wife Jyne Shiau

jyne.shiau@gmail.com, unknown governmental employee on this case Agata Rumprecht-Behrens <arumprec@nycourts.gov>, and landlord's attorney P T <PTISCHLER@aol.com>

along with introduction paragraphs:

NYCourts, Judge, Clerks, Landlord,and Landlord's attorney,

As I learned only from the Housing Court's email that my family, depraved of the (almost)-adult-aged children by Humanscums of the American Evil System down to only Li Li and me living at this being eviction place since September 24, 2021, I have been anxiously seeking for any possible real help or resource from the American governments, because almost NOBODY in the American society would give any CONSIDERATION or SYMPATHY for renting out any form or size of residential space to the INJURED me and PSYCHOTIC Li Li. The Injured Limin Wang and the Psychotic Li Li are the VICTIMS intentionally created by humanscums of the American Evil System. As I am writing this email to you, the HUMANSCUM "HELPLESS" LI LI just sat aside the bed cracking sunflower seeds for her "good life", again doing NOTHING for the family's survival, after she went out for a walk for her "health" and then washed her face in her way to wet the toilet seat and cover and the bathroom floor. 

I have been multiple-times asking the landlord side and this housing court under what conditions the landlord can keep renting this residential place to me and my family at least until the end of this year. The eviction order leaves too little time for a trauma-stricken family who have lived at this address for more than eleven years now. Please consider my appeal, and give me an early reply.

Here is the online post I started on July 27, and finished on July29, 2022. Please try to understand the American REALITY. One image was for whatever reason not able to be inserted into the post near it end is attached as an image file in this email.

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