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they play with mails again
送交者: 王利民 2022月11月28日06:50:20 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
回  答: USPS Lost Certified Mail Again王利民 於 2022-10-31 22:41:38

from:Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>to:QUESTION <question@nycourts.gov>,

Serena Valdes <svaldes@nycourts.gov>,

Agata Rumprecht-Behrens <arumprec@nycourts.gov>,

P T <PTISCHLER@aol.com>,


Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>

date:Nov 23, 2022, 4:24 PMsubject:Re: LT-304213-21/QU, Maurice & Jyne Shiau vs Limin Wang, Li Li, "John Doe", "Jane Doe" --- USPS "Lost" One of Landlords' Attorney's Certified Mails; My Preliminary Response to Landlords' Objection to My ERAP Application

November 23, 2022, Wednesday

Landlords, Your Attorney, Queens Civil Court, NYcourts,

Are you playing with the mails again to crookedly discharge the "legal proceedings"?

I saw this USPS pick-up notice addressed to Li Li in the locked mailbox at ~14:56 today, Nov. 23, 2022, Wed.

Li Li was standing in the front yard like a SILENT IDIOT after her LASTING-TENS-OF-MINUTES HYSTERICAL RANTING there, while the USPS uniformed man delivered this single pickup notice into the locked mailbox at ~11:20 AM today. The mailman was holding two ~10"x13" brown Manilla envelopes on his left hand. This single notice was prefilled and shows TWO mails to Li Li need to be picked up at the Flushing post office. (1st and 2nd images attached)

As I have stated many times spokenly and writtenly to this Housing Court that Li Li has become so PSYCHOTIC that she would NOT tend her mails, particularly the ONES SUPPOSEDLY VERY SIGNIFICANT IN TERMS TO HER LIFE. I do NOT want to tend Li Li's mails BECAUSE THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM HUMANSCUMS, INCLUDING ALL THE ONES FROM THE SO-CALLED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY "ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES" WERE LYING ABOUT THEIR APS VISITS AND WERE DENYING LI LI'S PSYCHOSES. Once again, as the previous pick-up notice to Li Li delivered on Oct. 22, 2022 by USPS was put on the iron gate by me, this new pick-up notice to Li Li was put there today by me. Both notices are so conspicuous. Li Li PRETENDED AND CLAIMED as if the eviction were not targeting her. (3rd image attached)

Landlords and your attorney, I Limin Wang is the one WANTING TO DEAL WITH YOU ON THIS LEGAL CASE. If you have anything for ME, Limin Wang, to receive and respond to, please do NOT professionally treacherously maneuver or mess the mails. I would appreciate you communicating via both mail and Email with me.

The mails, separately to Li Li and me, from the city marshal were received on Nov. 18, 2022. The inside letter states the next earliest eviction execution would be Nov. 29, 2022. I am hurrying up to write a rebuttal to the RELENTLESS EVICTION.


Limin Wang




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