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川普首席戰略師Steve Bannon的採訪
送交者: 遠方的孤獨 2016年11月19日21:10:59 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話


美國大選,看到那麼多中文轉載,那麼多高談闊論,似乎那麼多又能洞察又是清楚的“聰明”人的亢奮。連那位饒毅教授都是出來,大談人的聰明和愚蠢。我感到的事一種可悲。帶着這樣的思維怎麼能理解美國社會?很多擁護專制統治的前現代人連什麼叫人人平等都是不理解,不知道上如何去體會和體驗,卻在那享受言論自由而大放厥詞。很多口號連連,總以為自己在道德上高人一等的人,輸了都不知道是怎麼輸的,剩下的就只是嘴硬。摘錄這個採訪中的幾段:“It only helps us when they" — I believe by "they" he means liberals and the media, already promoting calls for his ouster — "get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

“He absolutely — mockingly — rejects the idea that this is a racial line. "I'm not a white nationalist, I'm a nationalist. I'm an economic nationalist," he tells me. "The globalists gutted the American working class and created a middle class in Asia. The issue now is about Americans looking to not get f—ed over. If we deliver" — by "we" he means the Trump White House — "we'll get 60 percent of the white vote, and 40 percent of the black and Hispanic vote and we'll govern for 50 years. That's what the Democrats missed. They were talking to these people with companies with a $9 billion market cap employing nine people. It's not reality. They lost sight of what the world is about."”

Bannon represents, he not unreasonably believes, the fall of the establishment. The self-satisfied, in-bred and homogenous views of the establishment are both what he is against and what has provided the opening for the Trump revolution. "The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what's wrong with this country," he continues. "It's just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no f—ing idea what's going on. If The New York Times didn't exist, CNN and MSNBC would be a test pattern. The Huffington Post and everything else is predicated on The New York Times. It's a closed circle of information from which Hillary Clinton got all her information — and her confidence. That was our opening."


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