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The New York Bureaucracy Crap
送交者: 王利民 2020年08月25日13:27:14 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

The New York Bureaucracy Crap to College Students

August 25, 2020

by Limin Wang

The New York system is even using COVID-19 to HARASS college students. Because of the school's class schedules and the target program's requirement, my child chooses to go back to school, as the college has this option OPEN. My child has done a COVID-19 test which is FREE at NYC, within the time limit the school requires, and the test says it's negative. After my child had arrived at school, the school then sent out another email, using the excuse of COVID-19, DEMANDS another COVID-19 test within two to three days, while their contracted COVID-19 test labs DEMAND insurance on one hand and say do not accept my child's EmblemHealth insurance on the other hand! It's disgusting bureaucracy! 

If COVID-19 on its OWN WERE so terrible, why it had not wiped out any bit of the rampant BUREAUCRAPS who have easy life and high pay for themselves and WANTOM DEMANDS on others. Does election by the people really do anything to these kinds of "rulers" across the fields?

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