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转贴:The best American president ever?
送交者: 求真知 2020年11月30日15:01:25 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Is Mr. Donald J. Trump the best American president ever?*

Tessa Schlesinger

Donald Trump is the best president that the USA ever had because:

1.He managed to prove to the world - single-handedly - what most had only guessed at for decades - that America had a large number of stupid, ugly, ignorant people.

2.He was able to destroy what America had built up in centuries in a mere four years - a reputation for democracy. That takes some doing - true greatness.

3.He got away with lying 20,000 times in four years, and he managed to convince 71 million people that he was honest. That is a quite remarkable achievement.
 You have to hand it to him. He knows how to lie with equanimity.

4.He single-handedly destroyed all trust in the USA. The USA has no more friends. He changed the balance of power so that the west now prefers to look to China for trade rather than the USA.

5.He was the first American president to lay a thorough foundation for future dictatorship in the USA. He is responsible for establishing a Nazi-like resistance to human decency. It takes an incredible president to openly do that.

6.He was able to convince millions of Americans that the virus was not serious in spite of it being highly dangerous. He even admitted to a journalist in January that he knew it was dangerous, but he wasn’t going to tell people that because he didn’t want to worry them. It takes absolute greatness to be that convincing to 71 million people when the evidence to the contrary is right in front of them. A remarkable achievement.

7.He convinced his supporters that he is a business supremo when, in fact, he owes so much money that he is probably bankrupt. He got away with not showing his tax forms (obviously because, as we now know, he lied and cheated on them), and it’s quite remarkable that he did so.

8. In spite of laws against nepotism, he got away with appointing relatives to the White House. It definitely takes an amazing president to get away with so many crimes in front of everybody and get away with it. Politicians aren’t generally honest people, but Trump is in a category of his own. Make no mistake that Donald Trump will be remembered as the best president the USA ever had - the best conman, the best liar, the best stable genius, the best peroxide blond, the best obese man, the best ever at playing golf when the country was burning. You tell me who else set records like this. Absolutely nobody. Not even close.

So, yes, Donald J Trump is definitely the best president that America has ever had, and his touch on people’s lives (and deaths) will be remembered for a very long time.

(不是太同意把71m 统统划为一体)

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