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Opinion on Burden of Evidence
送交者: 王利民 2020年12月10日21:26:36 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Simple opinion on the Burden of Evidence

by Limin Wang

Dec. 10, 2020, Thu

In the legal cases about election frauds in the 2020 presidential election, the accessible facts/evidence found by the plaintiffs, the Trump campaign as well as some states and some people, have been presented. The Legal system and the authorities have the responsibility and resources to investigate to find more facts/evidence either for or against the plaintiff's allegations, right? When such a DO-NOTHING corrupt system does not VIEW the FACTS/EVIDENCE as FACTS/EVIDENCE, does not (seriously) investigate for more facts/evidence either for or neutral or against the allegations, but only claim their COUTNER-ALLEGATIONS, isn't such a system is a PHONY? Trump is the President of the U.S.A. and a rich dude, so he is supposed to have tremendous resources to find and present facts/evidence, but he is still being tossed by some "judges" in such a "judicial" system by such ways, then think about what kind of fvvk "justice" a poor common victim with little or no resource can get from such a PHONY system?

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