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送交者: 求真知 2020年12月14日16:10:44 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Electoral College vote affirms Biden's win

Biden will deliver remarks at 7:30 p.m. ET on the Electoral College vote

From CNN's Eric Bradner

President-elect Joe Biden will declare it time to "turn the page, to unite, to heal" in a speech tonight after the Electoral College made his victory over President Trump official, according to excerpts of Biden's prepared remarks released by his transition team.

"In this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed," Biden will say, according to the excerpts. "We the people voted. Faith in our institutions held. The integrity of our elections remains intact. And so, now it is time to turn the page. To unite. To heal." 

Biden is set to speak at 7:30 p.m. ET Monday from his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.

The President-elect intends to lay out the work that will dominate the early days of his administration: the battle against the coronavirus pandemic, including distributing vaccines and slowing its spread as those vaccines become available, and rebuilding an economy battered by the pandemic.

You can read more about his remarks here.

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