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Med Record Issues from NYCMNO
送交者: 王利民 2020年12月22日09:37:38 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

NYS WCB Case G2029240: Medical Record Issues from NYCMNO

by Limin Wang

Dec. 22, 2020

[The following email was sent to Dr. Mehrdad Golzad and his "medical record" worker at New York City Medical & Neurological Offices. One erratum found in the original email and sent as a follow-up email was directly corrected in this post version.] 

Dec. 22, 2020, Tue
Re: Medical Record, Limin Wang, NYS WCB Case # G2029240

Hello, Ms. Mena, and Dr. Golzad, and NYS WCB,

I have an appointment at your clinic office at 91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 601, Elmhurst, NY 11373 today (Dec. 22, 2020, Tue) at 3;30 pm, probably seen by the East-Asian-looking young lady Ms. Hyesim Moon again. 
During this meeting opportunity, I would like to ask for medical records once again. 1) the medical report and C-4 of my Sept. 24, 2020 visit here; 2) the ORIGINAL RAW and ANALYSIS DATA, rather than your interpretation of the data, of the March 05, 2018 set of neurological test done at Suite 601, not Suite 611, and of the March 15, 2018 EEG together with EKG test done at Suite 601, not 611. I strongly believe that your professional opinion of these two sets of tests by using electronic instruments was severely biased to favor the employer/insurance/third-party-administrator and the actual professional assassins.
By the so-called Workers' Compensation Law, it's the responsibility of the "WCB-authorized" "medical provider" to provide the medical report and billing to the WC insurance and New York State Workers' Compensation Board. However, for whatever actual reasons, I have not seen your direct submission of the medical reports and C-4's to NYS WCB shown in my case's eCase Folder since the Feb. 01, 2019 WCB hearing drama of "no medical evidence." The ridiculous NYS WC System and WCLJ Mr. Lucky Enobakhare have kept mounting this "no updated medical evidence" on me the injured victim/worker and wouldn't even pay the $150/week compensation.
If you feel interested, you may search my online posts too about this case of premeditated and coordinated murder-attempts on my life and living.
Very Truly Yours,
Limin Wang

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