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送交者: 老尚童 2021年04月07日07:54:35 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话







Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Georgia’s election reform law is far too weak and soft to ensure real ballot integrity! Election Day is supposed to be Election Day, not Election Week or Election Month. Far too many days are given to vote. Too much “mischief” can happen during this very long period of time. You saw that in the 2020 Presidential Election. How’s Ruby Freeman doing?

Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State should have eliminated no-excuse, widespread mass Mail-In Voting, gotten rid of the dangerous and unsecure Drop-Boxes, and should have kept and EXPANDED Signature Verification to do matches against the historical voter file, among other things! Hope the RINOs are happy. 

Kemp also caved to the radical left-wing woke mob who threatened to call him racist if he got rid of weekend voting. Well, he kept it, and they still call him racist!

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Too bad the desperately needed election reforms in Georgia didn’t go further, as their originally approved Bill did, but the Governor and Lt. Governor would not go for it.  The watered-down version, that was just passed and signed by Governor Kemp, while better than before, doesn’t have Signature Matching and many other safety measures, which were sadly left out. This Bill should have been passed before the 2020 Presidential Election, not after. It is now reported that chain of custody records for over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are missing or not being shown.  I wonder why?  Show them now!  The Democrats in Georgia really push the Republicans around, like the so-called Consent Decree, which was illegally signed by the Secretary of State without Legislative Approval—a Democrat DREAM.  Boycott all of the woke companies that don’t want Voter I.D. and Free and Fair Elections.

ICYMI: Trump Isn’t Getting the Proper Credit for Role in Vaccines

Wow, so nice!

"And while former President Trump and his administration were moving heaven and earth to rapidly deliver vaccine[s] to the American people, the media were parading expert after expert saying the goal was impossible, and VP Harris and President Biden never gave Trump any credit for the vaccine, despite both being fully vaccinated before taking office."

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