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送交者: 老尚童 2021年09月23日13:44:45 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話







我們正在失去我們的國家民主黨人窮凶極惡,拼命反抗,而共和黨人對此無動於衷。共和黨人對共和黨人的鬥爭比他們對民主黨人的鬥爭更激烈。他們希望在政治上正確,即使這意味着失去我們的國家,而這正在發生。關於決定性的和廣泛的選舉舞弊的證據是驚人的。你們的共和黨總統候選人以壓倒性優勢獲勝,但卻沒有得到共和黨 "領導層 "的支持。他們應該為自己感到羞恥。他們為什麼不舉行聽證會?或者即使只是共和黨人開公開會議,我們都會聽到無可辯駁的事實。請記住,假新聞媒體不報道真相!他們是不可能的。

Donald J. Trump

September 22nd, 2021

I spent virtually no time with Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the “Crime of the Century.” Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win. Look at the facts that are coming out in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other States. If this were Schumer and the Democrats, with the evidence we have of Election Fraud (especially newly revealed evidence), they would have never voted to approve Biden as President, and had they not, all of the mistakes that were made over the last month, which are destroying our Country, would not have happened. Mike Lee, Lindsey Graham, and all of the other Republicans who were unwilling to fight for the Presidency of the United States, which would have included at least an additional four Republican Senators, two in Georgia, one in Michigan, one in Arizona, are letting the Democrats get away with the greatest Election Hoax in history—a total con job!


We are losing our Country! The Democrats are vicious and fight like hell, and the Republicans do nothing about it. RINOs fight harder against Republicans than they do against Democrats. They want to be so politically correct, even if that means losing our Country, which is happening now. The evidence on determinative and wide-ranging Election Fraud is staggering. Your Republican Presidential candidate won in a landslide, but has so little backing from Republican “leadership.” They should be ashamed of themselves. Why don’t they have hearings? Or even if just Republicans had open public sessions, we would all hear the irrefutable facts. Remember, the Fake News Media does not report the truth!

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