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Biden threw himself under the bus
送交者: 江灵飏 2021年09月29日21:04:05 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

With his poll numbers taking a plunge, President Biden desperately plays up his blame game. During an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News on August 18th, he said he had received no unanimous advice from his top brass that a substantial force was needed in Afghanistan for the impending withdrawal, contrary to what his top brass unanimously told the Senate Armed Services Committee under oath on September 28th. President Biden's incompetence can only be matched by his vice-president's. The wheels of his administration are coming off, and he isn't even halfway through his presidency. 

Equating his every failure with a success, President Biden never really owns up to the Afghanistan debacle. But he is the Commander-in-chief and his Afghanistan exit was an unmitigated disaster, which caused the unnecessary loss of 13 American soldiers while leaving American citizens behind. He knows that. Americans know that. Still, to save face, he threw his top brass under the bus. His top brass returned in kind, of course. It's every man for himself, letting the devil take the hindmost.

The devil means business. Soon enough, truth became the first casualty of a lost war. 

Now, for speaking truth to power in a video that has gone viral,* Marine Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller is put away in solitary confinement pending court martial. No good deed goes unpunished?

--- by Lingyang Jiang


U.S. Marine Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller and his resignation letter


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