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关于人工智能与机器人事业的由感而发 朱刚
送交者: agang 2021年11月28日19:11:36 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话








另一方面我们知道人类和其他动物一样都是以自我为中心,自私自利的。对这种现象我们已经习以为常见怪不怪了。在这里我们试追问一下:为什么会出现这种情况?就直觉而言我认为一个重要的原因是人类和动物一样都是有欲望的。有欲望就要满足欲望,满足欲望的过程就是实现利益的过程,利益即由此而生。当你的利益与他人利益相冲突时你优先要照顾的是自己的利益。 America first则是国家层面上扩大版本的这种利益优先原则。总之自私自利就是这样自然地由欲望衍生出来的。














Ideas On The Cause Of Artificial Intelligence And Robotics, Zhu Gang



About a month ago, I saw a video introducing robots on Tsinghua campus on WeChat. I am stupid as my impression of the video is very different from the video itself. However it was precisely of my wrong impression that hurriedly me wrote the following article. But strange enough, from the reasoning and point of view, there is nothing wrong with this article, and it is very important. I think human beings are currently facing disasters that are far more dangerous than climate warming. We have walked towards the edge of the cliff, but the more deadly risk is that we are completely unaware of the dangers ahead, and are still happily continuing to move forward. The only fortunate thing is that we humans have not yet risen to the realm of continuing to help others count money after going to hell. Niubi is not a boast, the text is as follows:



Ideas On The Cause Of Artificial Intelligence And Robotics, Zhu Gang


I recently saw a video showing a beautiful female robot student walking on the campus of Peking University. I cannot confirm the authenticity of this video. It was mentioned in the video that a male student suggested that he wanted to fall in love with this beautiful robot, but the supervisor of the robot replied: She is still at the level of human mentality between 6 and 12 years old and is not suitable for love. But if this sentence is understood in reverse, with the increase of mental level, this beautiful robot can also fall in love in the future. We know that artificial intelligence already has capabilities that far exceed those of human beings, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating, deep learning and data processing. It is not unimaginable to add some love capabilities on these foundations. But love is a kind of sexual desire, it is a phenomenon involving desire.


On the other hand, we know that humans, like other animals, are self-centered and selfish. We have become accustomed to this phenomenon as common ones. Here we try to ask: Why does this happen? Intuitively speaking,  an important reason is that humans and animals both have desires. So long as there is a desire then there is the need to satisfy the desire, and the process of satisfying the desire is the process of realizing interests, and thus interests arise from this. Further more when your personal interests conflict with the interests of others, your first priority is your own interests. “America first” is an expanded version of this principle of priority of interests at the national level. In short, selfishness is naturally derived from desire in this way.


Now we turn our gaze back to robots. If we humans give robots  desires, they will certainly become selfish. At this time, another law will also activate its effect: one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. The number one and number two must be structural enemies. There is such a structural relationship between the United States and China. In history, we have seen such an interactive relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, between Mao Zedong and Lin Biao, and between Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. As a result, at least one of them must be killed. Finally, when robots and humans compete for the supremacy of the earth, because the excellence of robots is far ahead of humans in all aspects, there should be no suspense about who wins and loses in this battle for hegemony. So my inference is not whether humans will be destroyed by robots, but if robots are given abilities such as desire, then humans must be destroyed.


It can be seen from this that my conclusion is that for the development of artificial intelligence and robotics, a very strict regulatory system must be formulated at the national and global levels. They are the bottom line and basic institutional systems that guarantee the right to human existence. Whoever breaks the rules and regulations in this area is destroying mankind, and must be severely punished. There is no room for tolerance on this issue.


Elon Musk said that robots used for specific narrow purposes are not a big problem. But general-purpose super-intelligent robots pose a huge survival risk to humans. I think that if it is really necessary, humans should take the initiative to withdraw and destroy technical research in certain specific fields in order to free up a large enough security boundary to prevent the emergence of such an embarrassing situation: any insane scientist can provide robots desires and thus destroy mankind with his own power(without any help from others). Musk said a few years ago that he was most worried about this area. It is far more terrifying than nuclear weapons. It is very regrettable and unimaginable that there is no specialized agency in the world to supervise and regulate the behavior of people making robots. In this respect, the law enforcement agencies of the legal system are equal to zero. That is to say, so far, every one of our scientific and technical personnel has enjoyed full freedom to legally produce and manufacture such weapons of mass destruction, which are far more terrifying than atomic bombs, in order to destroy mankind. An influential figure like Musk has reminded everyone on this issue many times, but the governments and the United Nations are indifferent.

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