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Does Wuhanization work? 武汉式抗疫行吗?
送交者: 江灵飏 2021年12月27日19:29:12 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Wuhanization is meant to keep the world's largest population from COVID infection. It works to the extent that human costs be damned. In other words, in order to beat back the pandemic, Beijing is quite willing and ready to turn a blind eye to this: the cure is worse than the disease

Xi Jinping has taken a victory lap on "liberating" Wuhan -- and by extension, China -- from the pandemic. Never mind the muffled cries of pain that followed him around. Sadly, the Chinese are used to silent victimhood in the name of the emperor.

Xian is now another Wuhan. Will Xi's old playbook work? You bet. Wait. If Wuhan works, why does Xi still have this Xian crisis? Truth be told, he is playing the whack-a-mole game. Once he has this Xian mole whacked, he will take yet another victory lap. Or will he?

Author: Lingyang Jiang

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