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送交者: Siubuding 2022年01月15日02:10:40 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

2021-12-15 我發表了《當年我投奔自由,現在終於可為自由作出一點貢獻》。現在一個月過去了,我剛從陽光海岸(Sunshine Coast)度假一個禮拜回來,正好總結一下。





On 17 December 2021, restrictions on businesses were eased

However, there are restrictions on people who are not fully vaccinated.

When border restrictions were eased, COVID-19 began to circulate in our community. To ensure we don't overwhelm our hospital system when we have outbreaks, some restrictions on unvaccinated people are necessary.

Eased restrictions for businesses

From 17 December 2021, there are no capacity restrictions on businesses that are only permitted to allow fully vaccinated people to attend, including:

  • hospitality venues such as pubs, clubs, taverns, bars, restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets

  • indoor entertainment venues such as nightclubs, live music venues, karaoke bars, concerts, theatres or cinemas, casinos

  • outdoor entertainment activities such as sporting stadiums or theme parks

  • festivals – either indoor or outdoor – such as musical festivals, folk festivals or arts festivals

  • activities – either indoor or outdoor – such as convention and entertainment centres and showgrounds

  • Queensland Government owned galleries, museums or libraries

Venues used for private hire have no capacity limit if people attending are fully vaccinated. However, if there is a person attending who is not fully vaccinated, COVID-19 density restrictions apply. This means a maximum of 20 people or 1 per 4 square meters, whichever is less.

Collection of contact information by business operators

A business operator must collect contact information, proof of vaccination or evidence of medical contraindication from all staff, guests and patrons when entering an establishment by using the Check In Qld app.

If a business operator cannot use the Check In Qld app, they must use alternative measures to record the contact information details.

Obligation of staff

Any member of staff must give their contact information, proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of medical contraindication by using the Check In Qld app or another measure of record keeping before entering their place of work.

A staff member is not required to give their contact information, proof of vaccination or evidence of medical contraindication if they are:

  • under the age of 16 years

  • entering to provide emergency services

  • exercising law enforcement

  • at risk of safety.

Community responsibilities

A person must give their contact information, proof of COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of medical contraindication by using the Check In Qld app or another measure of record keeping before entering a business establishment.

A person may give these entry requirements on behalf of another person who:

  • is under the age of 16 years

  • has a disability

  • speaks a language other than English and is unable to understand the Check In Qld app.

A person is not required to give their contact information, proof of vaccination or evidence of medical contraindication if they are:

  • under the age of 16 years

  • in primary or secondary school and is part of a group attending an activity organised by a school, sporting team or community group

  • exercising law enforcement

  • at risk of safety.

Restrictions for unvaccinated people

From 17 December 2021, unvaccinated people are not permitted to:

  • visit vulnerable settings, including hospitals, residential aged care, disability accommodation services, and prisons. This does not apply to residents and patients of these facilities, and there will be some exceptions for medical treatment, end-of-life visits, childbirth and emergency situations

  • attend hospitality venues such as hotels, pubs, clubs, taverns, bars, restaurants or cafes

  • attend indoor entertainment venues such as nightclubs, live music venues, karaoke bars, concerts, theatres or cinemas

  • attend outdoor entertainment activities such as sporting stadiums, theme parks or tourism experience like reef excursions

  • attend festivals – either indoor or outdoor – such as musical festivals, folk festivals or arts festivals

  • attend Queensland Government owned galleries, museums or libraries.

If anyone attending a wedding is unvaccinated, it is restricted to a maximum of 20 people.

Funerals will not be limited to only vaccinated people. This is because funeral sometimes occur at short notice and often under difficult circumstances making it hard to ensure all attendees are vaccinated. However, funerals will still be required to comply with occupant density limits and caps on attendees to minimise the risk of transmission.

These restrictions target non-essential leisure activities which are not essential for people to meet their basic needs, but present a considerable risk to contributing to an outbreak in our community when our borders reopen.






1. 以前每個禮拜都去餐廳一兩次。現在取消了。其中一次是與在退休村居住的母親一起食飯。

2. 那就買外賣在退休村的活動中心一起食飯吧。經理說,不能在室內。然可以在室外。

3. 聖誕檔期有一批猛片上畫。只好錯過了。

4. 在Bundaberg 旅遊期間一天晚上,慕名到市中心的一家牛排屋。家人鋸排,我在旁邊的中餐館點了個什錦炒麵外賣,在對面的市政公園食,並接受盛夏蚊叮。

5. 在 Bundaberg Rum 工廠,家人參觀。而我在停車場等候。其實,只有我飲 Rum. 我對保安說,也許你們應該申請例外,訪客即使未打疫苗,只要飲一大口Rum,即可入內。



這次旅遊的基本目的地是彩虹海灘(Rainbow Beach), 在陽光海岸以北,幾年前我們到Fraser Island 旅遊時,擦邊而過。

在1月8日禮拜六從布里斯班出發,過了Noosa Heads 地區後,見到沿路有新鮮洪水幾小時前衝過,有一段路被沖毀了一邊,要單線行車。沿路也見多個路段,洪水差半米左右會漫過路面。後來我們才知道,周邊地區昨晚受颱風影響下了大雨,有些地方12小時內下了平時一年的雨量,超過600毫米。我們見到的洪水,是第一波洪峰越過了幾小時之後。

在Bundaberg 旅遊結束後,驅車南往彩虹海灘。然而途中的Maryborough 在幾小時前被第二波洪峰漫過市中心地區,封了去路。我問一位封路的警察如何辦。我在司機座,他在車窗外幫我在手機的導航Google Maps 上設定多點的繞路,並說大致比正常的路徑要開多兩個小時。再出發幾分中後,我才醒起,我與警察都沒帶口罩,兩個頭湊在一起看手機。

在Rainbow Beach 地區,有兩個地方比較特別。一個是Searys Creek。這條小溪的水是紅色的,而河床是淺黃白色的沙底。我在淌水下游時發覺水深大致是半米到一米半。

另一個項目是驅車在 Cooloola Beach。在山丘和沙灘邊緣的浮沙上跑,需要4驅車。2016年時我在Fraser Island 旅遊,當時是租4驅車,由租賃公司設定固定的低檔和低車胎壓力,面向初學者。這次我是用自己的Land Cruiser Station Wagon,專門買了個 Compressor 用來放氣和打氣。



1. 世界網球頭號種子Novak Djokovic被澳洲政府拘留並準備驅逐出境。Djokovic 贏了官司。然而,澳洲政府還是把他趕走。

2. 美帝拜登政府的強制疫苗令被最高法院判定違法。

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