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Jacqueline Guzman is GOOD
送交者: 王利民 2022年02月01日12:45:15 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
Jacqueline Guzman said what's true and right about the NYC cops. Salute to the beautiful young JG, and support to JG since she was immediately fired, not by NYC cops but by the employer 3F's, since the SYSTEM apparently wants a BETTER actress talking and acting only the way it wants. During my prior writing of a lengthy post on this, the secret policing deleted the whole thing suddenly. I need to rewrite the lengthy one.
According to some news outlets such as New York Daily News,
In the video, Guzman is seen walking in the street and saying officials “do not need to shut down most of Lower Manhattan because one cop died for probably doing his job incorrectly.”

  長段文字在這 - 王利民 02/02/22 (161)
    去它娘的,顯示的還是被篡改了的。  /無內容 - 王利民 02/02/22 (137)
  我更新了的文字長段被網絡無毛五分改成那樣了  /無內容 - 王利民 02/02/22 (128)
  文字部分被篡改得不見了  /無內容 - 王利民 02/02/22 (160)
  這個萬維網站很無恥,篡改我帖子!  /無內容 - 王利民 02/02/22 (128)
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