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The purpose of government mandates
送交者: jingchen 2022年04月16日08:45:51 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

The purpose of government mandates


Recently, three US economists released a detailed report on the responses of different states to COVID-19. In the introduction part, they noted, “The correlation between health and economy scores is essentially zero, which suggests that states that withdrew the most from economic activity did not significantly improve health by doing so.  …  Using other methods, several studies have also found little health benefit of closing schools or businesses.”  This result is consistent with the observation of many.

The elites have known about it all along. Publicly, they demand the public to commit to strict social isolation. Privately, they hold private parties with their friends to enjoy social mingling.

Social isolation causes tremendous damages to psychological and physical wellbeing. What is the real purpose of social isolation mandated by the elites?

It is easier to shear wool from more docile, more domesticated sheep. Similarly, it is easier to shear labor from more docile, more domesticated people. The purpose of government mandates is to condition the masses into more docile, more domesticated robots. Currently, many residents in Shanghai are incarcerated in their homes by government order. Many have died from the lack of food or medical care. Some have committed suicides out of despair. This is a harbinger to the broader world.


P.S. The paper by three US economists can be accessed from



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