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2022-04-22 漢語版《隨想輕雷》第一集第五雷 Rai 01-05:是美國時代的終結還是資本主
送交者: 無套褲漢 2022年04月22日16:47:51 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Watch a new English/Chinese Maoist channel (updated edition 04/22/2022)

Mark Wain Email Address: wtkh2013@gmail.com

April 20, 2022

Rai 01-05 Is It the End of the U.S. or the Capitalist Era? The Coming of a New Democratic Revolution Part 3  


Display time: one hour and twelve minutes.

As the saying goes: “No two tigers can share one mountain,” can the U.S. share the capitalist foothold with some new-rich countries that stumbled into success through serendipity? 

The whole capitalist era obstinately confronted by its own glorious past that cannot continue because of the four catastrophes is about to end it for good. 

The critical bottlenecks facing capitalism have nothing to do with external forces; they are purely self-inflicted. Consequently, the system itself is responsible for removals of the stumbling blocks, or better, for removals of their root causes. The internal contradictions dictate the fate of capitalism. 

Since mainstream economists as an apologist opinion-leader class have been at a loss to save the system from the danger of demise, now it’s the people’s duty as well as their privilege to take the solution of these problems into their own hands. 

Democratic revolution means seizing major portion of the political power from, and sharing the economic power with, capital, the king, by the people. Without the political power, people’s new democratic revolution is empty; with it people can subjugate capital to serve the whole society and never again only the 1%. 


Two articles combined as one has been published on March 29, 2022 at URL:  https://youtu.be/EZTyNhmdXhU 

Rai 01-04 Is It the Best and Also the Worst Time? The Coming of a New Democratic Revolution - Part 2

If the revolutionary line seeps into every nook and cranny, Putin will be replaced not by another capitalist but by a tried-and-true Lenin-Stalinist. This will also hold true of SCP-controlled China, i.e., Xi Jinping will be replaced by a tried-and-true Maoist and not by another misbegotten capitalist-roader-establishment such as Deng Xiaoping – the world’s most dangerous con man. 


The truth of the matter is socialism, just as any other doctrine, is not stationary but progressive; its strategic development is the result of class struggle over the years involving hundreds of millions of people all over the world, whose power of recall and replacement of the leadership never materialized until China’s Cultural Revolution in the late 1960s, by then it was too late to rescue socialism from sudden change of properties. After the two major and pioneering socialist countries – the former Soviet Union of Russia in the 1950s and the People’s Republic of China in the 1980s – were defeated by their own political elite when under the besiegement of the international monopoly capitalism, socialism as viewed and taught by Karl Marx based on, among others, French socialism combined with French revolutionary doctrines has failed to sustain its viability. The working classes of both countries lost power to the elite who henceforth restored capitalism for a long time afterward without essential change. Had Marx or Lenin witnessed the battle, what could either of them do to salvage the fiasco situation?


March 13, 2022. Rai 01-03 Great Chaos in the World Achieves Great Rule in the World. A worldwide antiwar movement will be the only means to stop it for now. The Coming of a New Democratic Revolution (this is the first of four parts) will be discussed in the next as to why, how and for whom. Total time for watching the show is about 18 minutes. 



February 27th, 2022. Rai 01-02. On the Russian-Ukrainian War. (In English)

Mark Wain 02-27-2022


What's the nature of the Russian-Ukrainian War? Is there a demarcation that’s sacred and historically unshakable to such a degree that only one side is to be considered the invader, and the other a completely innocent “aggresse”?


February 22, 2022 Rai 01-01 of Episode 01 Opening Summary of Capriccio Rai Channel




2022-04-22 漢語版《隨想輕雷》第一集第五雷 Rai 01-05:是美國時代的終結還是資本主義時代的終結?迎接新民主主義革命的來臨 (第 3 部分)


全片時長: 1:15:11













無套褲漢 (馬克·韋恩,Mark Wain) March 15, 2022

2022-03-15 Rai 01-03 馬克·韋恩《隨想輕雷》第一集第三雷: “從天下大亂到達天下大治” ;此外《舊聞新讀》:迎接新民主主義革命的來臨第一部分。




01-02《隨想輕雷》第一集第二雷 關於俄烏戰爭(漢語) 俄烏戰爭的性質是什麼?是否存在一種神聖的、歷史上不可動搖的分界線,以至於只有一方被認為是入侵者,而另一方是完全無辜的 “被侵略者” ?











其中(在第四圖末和第五圖初),他說:“周總理在建國之初就告誡過李克農同志,情報機關不要捲入黨內鬥爭,他的告誡防止了我們黨內的那些不規範行為了嗎?” ...



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