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送交者: 王利民 2022年06月10日09:41:03 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Jan. Six Has Become THE PEOPLE'S DAY in the U.S.A. since 2021

by Limin Wang

June 09, 2022

About the 2020 presidential election itself, the Election Steal is very credible. Trump campaign attracted huge crowds; Trump was the sitting President; Mass mail-in-votes under the cover of COVID-19 could easily be fabricated or impersonated; When there is NO way to track down a ballot to its voter, the voting system is FUNDAMENTALLY FRAUD. Period; How the fuck those cowards afraid of Covid-19 or inerts to Joe Biden's campaigns would have that kind of claimed fervor of VOTING? The side of anti-Trump and anti-Jan. Six were doing everything to prevent the machines and ballots from being seized and checked; On my personal voting, I was voting probably in the mid-afternoon of Nov. 03, 2020, and I inserted my ballot into the tallying machine, and found the ballots collected by the then ONLY-ONE-in-use machine that far had only ~175 votes! This Flushing, NY area is DENSELY POPULATED THOUGH. I saw very scarce people were coming out of or going in to the pollsite during my whole procedure of (going) voting. I vaguely remembered I saw a woman was sitting inside a kind of make-shift office booth with a huge table of decks of ballots-like, TIDY LIKE COMPLETELY NEW REAMS.

About the American System, particularly about its Judiciary System over legal matters, and about the Congress over the Presidency, I would honestly, frankly, openly, bravely say FUCK THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM. You think I am insulting? No! My own family's various sufferings from the Humanscums of the American Evil System have NOT witnessed THEIR INTEGRITY OR DUTY in the proceedings or obtained the JUSTICE on the steps. You should check out my other posts about these SERIOUS MATTERS. I have been severely injured to the CNS due to AES Humanscums' attempted murders at slavery workplace and then at medical practices; My wife "Li Li" was seduced and coerced into twice desertions in year 2014 and got drugged and brainwashed into a psychopathic woman and then returned home to harm the whole family almost daily; My daughter Alexandria Wang, almost-18-year-old at the beginning of her HS senior year, was wishing for a peaceful place as "home" for her "endeavor" for a better life, but the AES HUMANSCUMS misled her to "suicidal thoughts" and then FORCED "psychiatric evaluation and treatment" and de facto ABDUCTION under the name of "foster care". My elder daughter Rosila Wang is a young adult already, but the AES Humanscums has infected and influenced her to NOT TALK with the parents over the phone or in person, since the pervertly fabricated "child neglect" case started AGAIN from the RIDDLED-WITH-HUMANSCUMS Bronx High School of Science in late September 2021! The AES HUMANSCUMS WANT TO CENSOR THE NORMAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARENTS AND THE YOUNG CHILDREN, WHILE INJECTING TOXIC IDEAS AND BEHAVIOR INTO THE NAIVE CHILDREN. On President Trump's case about Stolen Election, the first day (Jun. 09, 2022) of two-hour public live broadcast of the "hearing" shows EXACTLY THE DISGUSTING RIDICULE OF THE AMERICAN SYSTEM: Instead of showing any MATERIAL evidence to prove the election was not fraud, the Jan. 06 committee keeps bringing up WORD ALLEGATIONS, "WITNESSES", and mostly about the Jan. 06, 2021 Capitol Storming. In my real life experiences in the USA for more than two decades, and mostly from the recent years of trauma after trauma from the AES HUMANSCUMS, some humanscums, "witnesses" or not, are so outragingly writing pervert lies or twists into their UNSIGNED "allegations" or "reports", and the "legal system" or other governmental system just GOES ON LIKE THAT.

While the Trump campaign was seeking the "normal" procedures for answers to a SERIOUS MATTER, the Congress and the DOJ would claim ceremonial role, recuse its duty with an excuse of "otherwise deciding the election over the people", blahblahblah. They enshrine the election as if "SACRED", corruption impossible. Those corrupt SHAM AND SHAME in power would lip-serve "THE PEOPLE" so often, but when real people came to them about real matters, those trash showed their real identity: Refuse to hear from them; Use brutal governmental machinery to simply kill or ruthlessly persecute them! Now they tell you they are IN CHARGE! The Congress and the DOJ have been covering up the election fraud, because the reality of fundamentally fraudulent election will undoubtedly shake the CORE of the American System.

To the people who actually stormed the Capitol, I would say, from you I see the American Spirit. You have the courage and action to RISK YOUR OWN LIVES TO CHANLENGE AN UNJUST POWERFUL GOVERNMENT. Other races either live like enslaved animals without any meaningful demonstrations or go for looting shops and people during the Negro's demonstrations. Many Trump's policies I agree to. I do not believe that shit claim that these Trump followers did that only because Trump had told them to! They are adults; many of them quite mature adults; although Whites seemed to be the majority, other races attended too. There must have been an ECHOING between Trump's demanding and their own demanding. When a System is ridden with fraud, corruption, brutality, deception, propaganda, the Truth must fight back for a life to show the truth to the general public for Justice, and the Truth-bearers must win for JUSTICE to prevail over EVIL! The AES HUMANSCUMS' persecution on the Jan. Six Heroes can NEVER NEGATE the issue of the 2020 presidential election fraud. A few days after Jan. 06, 21, while I was staggering on street, a Negro was stalking me and another Negro was intercepting me with his cellphone appearing to take pictures/video of me. They both dressed in plainclothes. It's a despicable cowards-running state terrorism.

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