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Rai 01-08 My Opinion about the Jan. 6th, 2021 Upri
送交者: 無套褲漢 2022年06月16日20:14:02 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Rai 01-08 My Opinion about the Jan. 6th, 2021 Uprising is Radically Different from Either the Committee's or the Demo’s. 

Mark Wain June 13, 2022

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD_lSLHa07c

Dispaly Time: 15:48

It's the masses that participated in the uprising that controlled the movement and its leader- Donald Trump became their follower and never be the other way around. Without a dedicated and indomitable group of uprising participators, Donald Trump would find that he had little chance to incite this and any other movement.


The Committee's accusation is wrong-headed by pointing to Donald Trump as the prime mover of the movement. The prime mover was, still is and always will be the fake U.S. Democracy that's been controlled and owned by the Almighty Capital. People's disappointment of, indignation at and open resistance to the fake Democracy has been the main reason that the Jan. 6th movement broke out in the first place.


The urgent task facing the working people is to organize widespread and well-disciplined militia in order to force capital out of politics and to set up the people's sovereignty as well as to implement a true and new democratic revolution.


Some people may say that the militia of and for the new democratic revolution will have to fight the capital owned and controlled police, national guards and the military forces for regime change and that’s too hard a task to succeed because the U.S. capital, the new king, has been the world’s juggernaut ever since the first Civil War in the U.S drew to a close in 157 years ago. As the class struggle had been transformed via a newer social relation from that between the Northern capitalists and the Southern plantation-owners into that between the national capitalist class and the working class, a second civil war has been long overdue. As each class wants to arrogate political power to itself, there’ll be no way out other than engaging in class struggle and a new civil war will be its highest manifestation.


The capitalists and their stewards in the Committee are busy themselves with accusing Donald Trump for so-called wrong-headed leader of a movement that’s been snapped up at point-blank refusal by them. I already explained the relationship between leaders and their movements – no true leader can or should betray one’s movement. The nature of the movement decides the integrity of the leadership. In the case of a capitalist and anti-people movement such as the notorious one led by the Jan. 6 committee – a September-Eleventh-styled committee at the best (or a McCarthy-styled committee whose role include "judge, jury, prosecutor, castigator, and press agent, all in one" doing its worst) and its hearings, the capitalists want to flourish the weapon in an attempt at bravado intended to intimidate people into disarm and surrender. They’ve failed because people don’t fear death; lo and behold, both the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers are not what capitalists called extremists but are potentially prototypical militia determined to overthrow the capitalist dictatorship, and people were determined to fight for their community.


Vice chairwoman, Representative Liz Cheney, Republican of Wyoming, said: “tonight I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible.” She continued by saying: “there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” My take on this warning is that the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie will eventually be defeated through long-term as well as tough class struggles against burning injustice, economic exploitation and political persecution on the working people and their leaders by the bourgeoisie. Those who are capable of as early awakening as possible will never regret for their taking active parts in various anti-capitalist mass movements. Genuine people’s democracy will win over all who can be won over and dominate the world.


Those who think they are capitalists’ “fellow-travelers” should think again.


If you don’t own at least 1% each of the stocks of a couple of medium-to-large-sized corporations, you’re still workers or, simply put, you belong to the working class. Don’t even try to deny this fact by saying you belong to the so-called members of other social strata such as the middle-class or white-collar or intellectuals or elite, hopefully all in active demand.


Little favors and scraps will kick you upstairs and let you see through the social ladders. One must learn how to see through the appearance to perceive the essence.


So, we’re on the one and only one common laborers’ boat and its floating and sinking conditions depend on the sheer force of capital’s will. Unless you would rather all perish in the common ruin with capital than buck up against it, we must trash our opponents but not traduce our friends.


Being born in a capitalist family, Donald Trump has been a capitalist all his life. His class traits, however, are unusual in the sense that he cares more for the working poor than for his class comrades. Trump criticized the capitalists by saying:” … a political establishment that has cheated American workers … Corrupt politicians and their special interests have ruled this country for far too long. But today is our Independence Day. America's working class is finally fighting back today.”

Adam M. Enders and Joseph E. Uscinski in https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/for-2021-0003/html

stated: The role of anti-establishment orientations during the Trump presidency was unrelated to traditional left-right identities and ideologies. In fact, the establishment is inherently capital; anti-establishment means anti-capital when put in a polite term. Chairman Mao called the establishment or those in power the capitalist roaders - persons or groups who demonstrate a marked tendency to bow to pressure from bourgeois forces and subsequently attempts to pull the revolution in a capitalist direction.


What Donald Trump has been doing is to correct the mistakes of hypocrisy of capitalist rule and the people's loss of trust in it. His approach is “to distrust but verify.” (Recall Reagan’s motto: “Trust but verify.”) The establishment represented by Demos supported by capital behind the plan and also the times refuses any correction. Donald Trump knows well that the capitalistic system has been doomed to failure and he doesn’t need to hide the danger from the public – only the establishment wants to avoid their responsibility for the crimes or mistakes and conceal faults and gloss over wrongs. The system has been a downright falsehood for so long and pervasive, there won’t be any need to provide concrete proof to people, because it’s common knowledge that the government faces blackmail of the thievery capitalism, which has “a license to steal in the efficient markets and suborn the law,” causing breakdown in the rule of law in the U.S. The litany of ad hominem arguments and complaints of the establishment carried out in a series of such hearings on its “findings” intend not to help people but to help themselves by inveighing against Donald Trump.


“Jan. 6 was the culmination of an attempted coup,” the committee’s chairman, Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi said. Wrong conclusion again.


Coup d'état [ (kooh day-tah)] A quick and decisive seizure of governmental power by a strong military or political group. In contrast to a revolution, a coup d'état, or coup, does not involve a mass uprising. Rather, in the typical coup, a small group of politicians or generals arrests the incumbent leaders, seizes the national radio and television services, and proclaims itself in power. Coup d'état is French for “stroke of the state” or “blow to the government.” The Jan. 6th movement is neither a coup nor an attempted coup but a pioneer phase of a new democratic revolution of the people, by the people and for the people.


To sum up, I recall IBG YBG (in finance, see:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/IBG_YBG) Initialism of I'll be gone, you'll be gone (I'll have gotten my commission; you'll have sold out to the next guy; neither of us will be held accountable.) Paraphrasing Liz Cheney, IBG YBG (in politics) Initialism of I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone (I’ll have gotten my comeuppance; you’ll have sold out to the next capitalist; neither of us will be held accountable.) [Mark Wain 06-13-2022]

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