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Maoist Channel (updated edition 07/02/2022)
送交者: 無套褲漢 2022年07月02日00:53:03 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Watch a new English/Chinese Maoist Channel (updated edition 07/02/2022)

Rai 01-09 Why Donald Trump Insists on Taking a Stand against the Election Fraud with “Distrust but Verify”? (1) 

Video: https://youtu.be/JQ_agT4xsz0  

Display Time: 15:02

The Jan. 6th Committee was wrong again – this time it denigrated a revolutionary militia force that succeeded in opposition to the establishment or, what’s the same, the bourgeois dictatorial governance. They are not an armed mob as the establishment and its established political hacks – the Committee members tried to put down, rather they are fierce but reasonably well-organized and well-disciplined anti-establishment insurgents. As Chairman Mao taught us: “Rebelling against the reactionaries is justified.” Donald Trump who has been proud of being its leader must be praised not condemned for violence. Karl Marx taught us: “Violence is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one.”The establishment wastes no time to prepare a counterrevolutionary show trial - a trial held for show; the guilt of the accused person has been decided in advance - of Donald Trump. 

Visit the following site for the full text of the Rai 01-08 subtitles:


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