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My Input to Trump's 3rd Run
送交者: 王利民 2022年11月11日09:10:54 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

My Input to Donald J. Trump’s Third Presidential Run Announcement

By Limin Wang

Nov. 11, 2022

I have to try my best to channel my injured energy to focus on the “legal” cases in New York City, so this input, very important from my personal point of view, is written in its skeleton form.

Suggested Campaign Slogan: Save American People. “American People” is a lot more specific than “America”, and as an immigrant American with over two decades of traumatic life experiences in New York or New York City, I dare to say I hate greatly the American Evil System and its systematic HUMANSCUMS, and I know clearly who I am fighting against and what I am fighting for. A new system is terribly wanted for a new human ecosystem so that I the severely injured from numerous attempted-murders can live on, my marriage can go on as a normal marriage, and my now-young-adult daughters can have a bright future of their own while still maintaining the daughter-father relationship with me.

Critical Issues:

1.       Election Transparency (a common website of self-verifying voter registration and ED/AD information, of all candidates and their backgrounds and their proposals for voters to know them, and of sample ballots for voters to know ahead who and what are on the ballots, etc; voter ID must; in-person vote almost must; legal prohibition of early voting and protection of election-day voting; adding ballot section of voter written-in name, contact, and signature; election officials down to poll-site coordinators must be judges or law enforcement rotating from election to election; same day election outcome; no authority can block any election result challenge; election result challenge goes via PUBLIC court proceedings; etc.)

2.       Americans’ Everyday Life Quality (good jobs, fair pay, safe work environment, housing, family, marriage, children, education, REAL instead of EVIL social services, EFFICIENT instead of CANCEROUS OR MURDEROUS “medical services”, etc.)

3.       Domestic Policy (TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE governments; First and Second Amendments Rights; Restriction and Responsibility of Police BRUTALITY AND CORRUPTION; Court System simplification and purification; Statutory laws simplification, publication, and education; mass media and social platforms regulation; digital and physical venues for public communication and assembly; FEDERAL ENTERPRISES employing and benefiting everyday Americans; etc.)

4.       Foreign Policy (America First; Lead by GOOD REAL EXAMPLES; carrots instead of chariots; foreign war involvement only due to its DIRECT impact on Americans’ Everyday Life Quality; Reconstruct the command chain; etc.)

In short, you are not defined as a capitalist for capitalism, or as an anti-communism capitalist; you are defined as an American of Trumpism, a Trump for the general Americans, a Trump to all the humans on the world along the history aspiring for a good life.

標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
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海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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2020: 中華文化與文化載體
2020: 民主Vs專制
2019: 都啥時候了,港警還要開槍打人?
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2017: 發錯地方,請移步五味繼續。