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送交者: 老尚童 2022年11月23日16:29:16 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話









"The world has not yet seen the true glory of what this nation can be," President Trump told the nation during his 2024 campaign announcement speech in November. He reminded the country that the establishment of Washington politics wanted to "silence us, but we will not let them do it." 

As 2022 slowly ends and the holiday season begins, proud American citizens are worried about their country.

Inflation is closing in. War in Eastern Europe rages on. Free speech is under assault Joe Biden's America has introduced an unprecedented era of America fatigue and failure. Whether it's capsizing domestic energy production, snarling supply chains for goods and supplies, or continually forking over billions of dollars to Ukraine instead of tending to the needs of U.S. citizens, one thing is certain: America has never been so abused on the world stage.


"We will again put America first," Trump said in his November speech. "We will win because we will fight with every measure of our strength and every measure of our energy to lift up the working men and working women of this nation."

While 2022 has been a difficult year for everyone, President Trump's dedication to persevere for the cause of American liberty and glory is something that we can all be grateful for.

Without Trump, millions of citizens would be unaware of the rampant corruption in Washington. Today, we stand ready, willing, and able to hold our elected representatives and the U.S. federal government accountable for their egregious usurpations on our Constitutional rights - because a single Washington outsider, President Donald Trump, taught us how.

Trump taught us how to fight back Trump burst onto the political scene when he ran for president in 2016, speaking his mind and utilizing the power of social media to personally reach millions of American voters.

GOP gubernatorial nominee in Arizona, Kari Lake, said earlier this year that the GOP was on “life support" before Trump. "Fast forward to 2022 - citizens from every corner of our republic have stepped up to join him," she continued. "I am honored to count myself among them. I hope you are too."

Trump's no-holds-barred approach to politics highlighted insipid weakness within the Republican Party, revealing devilish political duplicity in once revered "conservatives" like former President George W. Bush.

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