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Pragmatism won local elections in Taiwan
送交者: 江靈颺 2022年11月29日17:14:14 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Deng Xiaoping's pragmatism was to keep democracy out of China. It failed. So, Deng had to let his tanks roll over democracy on June 4, 1989. Today, Taiwanese pragmatism is to keep democracy in Taiwan. It achieved a resounding success with the comeback of the Nationalist Party in the latest local elections. This is not what President Tsai Ing-wen desires. This is what she deserves. She deserves a robust opposition to keep her presidency in perspective. She has to put up with it because it is people's choice. People have chosen to stand by a two-party system which makes room for bipartisan cooperation---this is not easy. Democracy is never easy. But pragmatism can and will make it easier. After all, sharing power is sharing success---or failure.

Taiwanese have good faith in pragmatic democracy. They understand that no one will care about democracy if it doesn't make people's lives better. Missing three meals, people will vote in a dictator offering or promising to offer bacon and eggs (or pork and rice). Indeed, people tend to be more pragmatic than democratic. After all, they can't simply feed on ideas or ideals. 

Right now, in relative terms, Taiwanese are enjoying peace and prosperity. However, they are also realistic enough to believe that Beijing could have Taiwan in its crosshairs at a moment's notice. Taiwanese are preparing for the worst. They are also hoping for the best. Meanwhile, they are working for the better. That's pragmatism. The latest local election results vindicate pragmatic democracy in Taiwan.

Author: Lingyang Jiang

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