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Heat Up!
送交者: 王利民 2023年06月02日08:20:20 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Heat Up!

By Limin Wang

June 02, 2023


Game 1 of NBA Finals of 2022-23 between Nuggets and Heat on last night was not an easy scene or a good result for Heat fans to take. I do not want to see Heat end with a 0-4. How about assign another Heat center or forward other than Bam to stick with the Joker? Bam can be used MORE for scoring, assisting, rebounding, and defending basically against ANY Nuggets under the hoop area. Jimmy and the other two guys would then be more aggressive and efficient in offense. Zone defense would not work sufficiently against the current Nuggets, and one-on-one would be a lot better. Remember, Heat needs to GENERATE the HEAT onto their opponents.

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