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My New York (2) : Wet
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月23日16:14:56 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

While listening to the rain, I tell myself that the heart of the city is beating fast. Perhaps a bit too fast.

Every droplet from the sky is a testament to the beauty of nature. Yes, beauty is always on my mind. Let the raindrops fall on my head.

Soaked strangers pass each other by, their lives intersecting for less than a moment in time. Each one is a traveler on his or her own journey, determined to remain aloof. However, I prefer not to be just another face in the lonely crowds.

Given the chance, I'd welcome a sea of smiling faces, where the familiar and the unfamiliar blend together. Can you feel it? A sense of camaraderie fills the air, transcending the barriers of language and culture. No, I'm not dreaming. I'm living.

Call me a New Yorker, embracing the rain one day and basking in the sunshine the next. Rain or shine, I go with a spring in my step.

Author: renqiulan


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