法理的救贖與生機的救恩_上 |
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法理的救贖與生機的救恩_上 讀經:羅五10、21,約一12~13,彼前二25,羅六19、22,林後四16,三18,弗四15~16,羅八28~29,腓三20~21 神完整的救恩有兩面─法理的一面和生機的一面God's complete salvation is of two aspects—the judicial aspect and the organic aspect—Rom. 5:10, 21; John 1:12-13; 1 Pet. 2:25; Rom. 6:19, 22; 2 Cor. 4:16; 3:18; Eph. 4:15-16; Rom. 8:28-29; Phil. 3:20-21: 神救恩法理的一面,乃是在客觀一面由在肉體裡的基督在祂地上職事物質的範圍里完成的 - 這是照着神的義;這是借着基督在十字架上救贖的死,滿足了神公義律法對罪人的一切要求。 The judicial aspect of God's salvation was accomplished in the physical realm of Christ's earthly ministry objectively by Christ in His flesh— It is according to the righteousness of God; It is through God's fulfilling of all the requirements of His righteous law on sinners by Christ's redemptive death on the cross. 基督成就祂地上的職事,完成了神法理的救贖,結果在客觀方面使神:赦免信徒的罪;洗淨信徒的罪;稱義信徒;叫原是神仇敵的信徒與祂自己和好;叫信徒在地位上成為聖別歸祂自己作祂聖別的子民。 Christ carried out His earthly ministry by accomplishing God's judicial redemption with the following objective results: The forgiveness of the believers' sins;Washing away the believers' sins;Justifying the believers;Reconciling the believers, who were His enemies, to Himself;Sanctifying the believers in their position unto Himself as His holy people. 神法理的救贖乃是神完整救恩的手續,使信徒有分於神生機的拯救,就是神完整救恩的目的。 God's judicial redemption is the procedure of God's complete salvation for the believers to participate in God's organic salvation as the purpose of the complete salvation of God—Rom. 神生機拯救的一切項目,不是在法理和客觀一面,由在肉體裡的基督在祂地上的職事裡完成的,乃是在生機和主觀一面由那賜生命之靈的基督在祂天上的職事裡完成的。 All the items of God's organic salvation are carried out not by Christ in the flesh in His earthly ministry judicially and objectively but by Christ as the life-giving Spirit in His heavenly ministry organically and subjectively. 神救恩生機的一面,乃是在主觀一面由那賜生命之靈的基督在祂天上職事神聖奧秘的範圍里,完成以下八步: The organic aspect of God's salvation is carried out in the divine and mystical realm of Christ's heavenly ministry subjectively by Christ as the life-giving Spirit in the following eight steps: 重生乃是神整個救恩的中心,也是神的救恩在生機方面的開始:重生是神聖生命的繁生,將神的生命分賜給信徒,由神的靈在蒙救贖之信徒的靈里,把信徒重生再造。 Regeneration is the center of God's complete salvation and the commencement of God's salvation in its organic aspect: It is the propagation of the divine life by the imparting of God's life into the believers to regenerate and re-create the redeemed believers in their spirit by the Spirit of God. 這是借着基督的復活,使祂將祂的生命分賜到信徒裡面作權柄,叫他們成為神親生的兒女,作祂的種類─ 借着重生,信徒在他們天然屬人的生命之外,得着永遠神聖的生命 - It is through the resurrection of Christ that He may impart His life into the believers as the authority for them to be the children of God, begotten of God as His species. Through regeneration the believers have the eternal, divine life of God in addition to their natural, human life.
相關鏈接: 法理的救贖與生機的救恩_上 https://blog.creaders.net/user_blog_diary.php?did=NDc5Nzc4 法理的救贖與生機的救恩_中 法理的救贖與生機的救恩_下 附經文:羅5:10 因為我們作仇敵的時候,且借着神兒子的死得與神和好,既已和好,就更要在祂的生命里得救了。 羅5:21 使罪怎樣在死中作王,恩典也照樣借着義作王,叫人借着我們的主耶穌基督得永遠的生命。 約1:12 凡接受祂的,就是信入祂名的人,祂就賜他們權柄,成為神的兒女。 約1:13 這等人不是從血生的,不是從肉體的意思生的,也不是從人的意思生的,乃是從神生的。 彼前2:25 你們好像羊走迷了路,如今卻歸到你們魂的牧人和監督了。 羅6:19 我因你們肉體的軟弱,就照着人的常情說,你們從前怎樣將肢體獻給不潔不法作奴僕,以至於不法,現今也要照樣將肢體獻給義作奴僕,以至於聖別。 羅6:22 但現今你們既從罪里得了釋放,作了神的奴僕,就有聖別的果子,結局就是永遠的生命。 林後4:16 所以我們不喪膽,反而我們外面的人雖然在毀壞,我們裡面的人卻日日在更新。 林後3:18 但我們眾人既然以沒有帕子遮蔽的臉,好像鏡子觀看並返照主的榮光,就漸漸變化成為與祂同樣的形像,從榮耀到榮耀,乃是從主靈變化成的。 弗4:15 唯在愛里持守着真實,我們就得以在一切事上長到祂,就是元首基督裡面; 弗4:16 本於祂,全身借着每一豐富供應的節,並借着每一部分依其度量而有的功用,得以聯絡在一起,並結合在一起,便叫身體漸漸長大,以致在愛里把自己建造起來。 羅8:28 還有,我們曉得萬有都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按祂旨意被召的人。 羅8:29 因為神所預知的人,祂也預定他們模成神兒子的形像,使祂兒子在許多弟兄中作長子。 腓3:20 我們的國籍乃是在諸天之上,我們也熱切等待救主,就是主耶穌基督,從那裡降臨; 腓3:21 祂要按着祂那甚至能叫萬有歸服自己的動力,將我們這卑賤的身體改變形狀,使之同形於祂榮耀的身體。 |
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