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送交者: 林業工人 2024年04月04日22:01:00 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話


The use of surnames among Jewish people began to develop during the Middle Ages. Prior to that, Jewish individuals were often identified by a given name followed by the name of their father, such as "David ben Jacob" (David, son of Jacob) or "Sarah bat Abraham" (Sarah, daughter of Abraham). These patronymic naming practices were common in many cultures at the time.

As European society evolved and centralized systems of administration emerged, the use of hereditary surnames became more prevalent. Jewish communities gradually adopted surnames to comply with these new requirements. The specific timing and implementation varied across different regions and countries.

The adoption of surnames by Jews was influenced by local laws, customs, and cultural factors. In some cases, Jewish families took on surnames derived from their occupation, location, or personal characteristics. Others adopted surnames based on their ancestral lineage or religious traditions.

It is important to note that while surnames became more common among Jewish people during the Middle Ages, the specific practices and timelines varied among different Jewish communities and geographical regions.

中世紀,猶太人開始使用姓氏。在之前,猶太人通常通過名字後面加上父親的名字來識別,例如“David ben Jacob”(大衛,雅各之子)或“Sarah bat Abraham”(莎拉,亞伯拉罕之女)。新約聖經中一些人名因用的是亞蘭文,由ben變成了bar,如Simon bar Jonah(西門巴約拿)這些以父名命名的做法在當時的許多文化中都很常見如斯拉夫民族




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