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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月23日12:54:09 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 诚兄,给你一点挑战。any_one 于 2008-06-22 14:23:23
Know not
believe not

are completely different!

Joel Osteen is an excellent speaker,
no one can deny that,
he is as good as President Clinton at public speaking.

The key issue here is whether he understands and/or believes
that Jesus Christ is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE
and nobody can be accepted by God except through Him
or Jesus Christ is the only SAVIOUR in heaven or on earth.

His encouraging messages are really good to listen
nothing to do with GOSPEL of Jesus Christ,
this is the KEY ISSUE,
which christians care less and less s time being,
at the mean time, christians dare not to give up
church life completely, as a compromising,
christians nowadays EMBRACE that kind of message.
he could not be that POPULAR by all means.

After all,
Accepting Jesus Christ as a SAVIOUR is dealing with
one's final destiny, either HEAVEN or HELL, before
the final JUDGMENT, the immediate blessings are
by-products, which human beings care much more
than the main product--eternal life,
this is why Jesus Christ MUST die on the cross to REDEEM
His church.

NEVER FOREVER there is 更好的办法!
there is only a SWITCH controlled by the Almighty GOD, yes or no.

At any Christ's Church why Jesus Christ MUST die on the cross to REDEEM
His church must be preaching, christians MUST accept why Jesus Christ
MUST die on the cross to REDEEM His church, all sound doctrines are
established for this UNIQUE purpose.

In short,
Main product
should be distinguished.
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