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Be Little heart on
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月09月25日06:18:36 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 新約的耶穌就是舊約的耶和華,這個的確是真的.chenling 於 2008-09-24 09:54:06
this kind of description.

耶和華 means I am that I am, in Chinese, Zi4 you3 Yong3 you3 de na4 yi2 wei4
耶穌 means 耶和華 is the SAVIOUR and 'I am that I am' is with us

here 新約 舊約, I bet you meant TIME,
in fact, God never changes although God revealed Himself to man in different ways
from 舊約 to 新約
'I am that I am' is always 'I am that I am', from 舊約 to 新約
耶穌 is God's only begotten Son,
God's only begotten Son is always God's only begotten Son from 舊約 to 新約

By the way, this EmitEht is an EX-christian, so far as he said,
he was a dedicated christian for a few years, then, became a dedicated
EX-christian against christianaty, it rose a very tough question here:
a saved person LOSES his salvation ?
    My point is: not that simple - Yuehanmiao 09/25/08 (264)
    huh?  /無內容 - mean 09/25/08 (278)
  want little heart - mean 09/25/08 (321)
    哈哈哈哈,你們在說什麼呀,爭逗~  /無內容 - adajo 09/25/08 (254)
      苗DX渴望成為粗心大意的小心眼:)  /無內容 - a_Peter 09/26/08 (215)
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