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you understand what 福音is, tell
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月07日09:55:19 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 求问3个问题又吃又喝 于 2008-10-07 09:38:23
us please! this is the starting point to answer your question.

I also have three questions:
1. how did you get 福音?
2. why you don't keep your income only for yourself but MUST share with loved ones?
3. why you share your income with your wife and kids but not as much as with
your siblings even they need more desperately and why you think of your uncles
less and less as the time being?
which may help you to think about your questions more thoroughly.

1. 为什么要传福音?
2. 什么叫传福音?
3. 您为什么传或不传福音?
  anwer your questions - 又吃又喝 10/07/08 (337)
    Great great, you are not 'tda' - Yuehanmiao 10/07/08 (317)
      Amen to both 又吃又喝 & Yuehanmiao  /无内容 - beiqian 10/07/08 (163)
      Thanks God - 又吃又喝 10/07/08 (218)
      你连网上的ID都搞不清楚,你能理解神吗。 - tda 10/07/08 (299)
        支持antiterrorist战争 - Yuehanmiao 10/07/08 (276)
            conservative hates liberal, - Yuehanmiao 10/07/08 (231)
              同性恋是神的计划吗?  /无内容 - tda 10/07/08 (164)
              conservatives从不关心真理,撒谎造就战争, - tda 10/07/08 (218)
                不要这样讲,其实很多基督徒反对伊拉克战争。 - ardmore 10/08/08 (172)
                  Another no-war-peace lover?! - Yuehanmiao 10/09/08 (155)
    If it is you, go do what - Yuehanmiao 10/07/08 (313)
      恐怖分子搞911,是不是神的计划?  /无内容 - 真实话语 10/07/08 (139)
      几点商榷 - beiqian 10/07/08 (190)
        是的,Yuehanmiao是罪人,但他是蒙恩的罪人, - beiqian 10/07/08 (183)
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