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social engineering
送交者: 1314 2008月10月28日14:25:49 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: King Solomon seems have a風影 于 2008-10-28 10:37:31
is better than wars in stimulating economics. But I do not think Americans are ready for the social engineering yet (the same thing President Roosevelt did about New Deal when social security, among other things, was established), because the pain is not great enough! You can sense it from the Joe the Plumber and all Republican supporters, who do not make more than $250k but dream about it, or are scared about the possibility that Obama will tax us to hell.

If Republican policies continue and the gap between rich and poor increases (with middle class shrinking), the forced spread of wealth that most of Americans fear may be forced upon us. But we are not there yet, so do not be scared by Obama. He can not do much when public and situation has not called for.

BTW, the proverb you quote is not from Solomon (who had never been poor), but from 1 The sayings of Agur son of Jakeh—an oracle [a] :
This man declared to Ithiel,
to Ithiel and to Ucal:
  Social engineering need wise - 風影 10/29/08 (261)
    But John will simply not do it - 1314 10/29/08 (240)
      a possible confusion - 1314 10/29/08 (220)
        For this issue of social, - 風影 10/30/08 (213)
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