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Social engineering need wise
送交者: 風影 2008月10月29日09:33:23 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: social engineering1314 于 2008-10-28 14:25:49
manager(s) not leader(s).
In order to have distinctive and someone who can make the difference, what you need is a leader who is also a man of God. e.g. if there is no leadership like Moses, today Isrealis might still be slaves at Eygpt.

I am not saying manager is not important. In my working place, I am merely a manager, my boss is the true leader. Obama can be a good manager, but you might need person like McCain as the leader.

You are right that Proverbs 30 was actually saying of Agur not Solomon, I was wrong as though all proverbs were from Solomon.
  But John will simply not do it - 1314 10/29/08 (240)
    a possible confusion - 1314 10/29/08 (220)
      For this issue of social, - 風影 10/30/08 (213)
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