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送交者: 1314 2008月10月28日16:30:21 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: & try not to use "但那些CEO們早已腦滿風影 於 2008-10-28 10:41:43
Self righteous is a greatest sin, and I can never claim I will be free from it.

I am very aware of the fact that my wealth is much more than people in third worlds.

But the case is not made across the globe, the background is this election, thus within USA. God indeed uses this crisis to warn those of us, who have some saving, but not enough to stop worrying about kids' education and retirement. The warning is actually ironic: do not rely on your own wealth, but His. In this mindset, I said this warning have no effect on those who have enough already.
  Early this month I was also - 風影 10/29/08 (205)
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