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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月29日06:45:01 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: PEIXING兄能否再說1次你關於聖靈和耶穌的靈的關係?謝謝笨函數 於 2008-10-28 19:02:24
During the past 2,000 years,
this doctrine is well established
in Christ's church, if anything developed
is out of this solid frame,
it MUST be condemned by saints all over the world,
many folks were CONVICTED as CULT
by re-define 聖靈.

I dare not say anything about brother Lee,
who developed a new CONCEPT as Na4 Ling2,
but this new CONCEPT has been criticizing
since its birth among chinese church.
I don't know whether brother PEIXING accepted
this new CONCEPT, if you will, you can find
brother's Lee's teaching on this subject
from SHENG1 Ming4 Du2Jing1, the related verses
(Zhu3 jiu4 shi4 na4 ling2) at shui3 liu2 zhi2 shi4 zhan4.


Brother 笨函數's motherland
brother PEIXING's motherland
brother Nee's fatherland
brother Lee's fatherland

brother Miao's parents-land (brother miao created)
    靈.聖子不等於聖靈是三一真神的內涵啊,苗俠請解釋.  /無內容 - 笨函數 10/29/08 (260)
  你能稱李長受為弟兄就願比笨信心強百倍啦! /無內容 - 笨函數 10/29/08 (336)
    我個人認為, 李弟兄和倪弟兄一樣 - Yuehanmiao 10/30/08 (166)
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