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送交者: gems 2008月11月03日14:01:11 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Debate on Faith Forumxinmin 于 2008-11-03 13:47:10
I would not call it a debate.

Obama, as a scholar, gave very well though of answers. Great answers… But are they from the bottom of his heart or just results of careful research? Can we trust him?

McCain, as a soldier, gave very simple, direct answers. But did he understand the complexity of the questions? Do we need another simpleton president?

That’s what we need to decide tomorrow...
  More an exchange than debate - xinmin 11/03/08 (158)
    Obama gave a simple answer on - gems 11/03/08 (152)
    yup - mean 11/03/08 (173)
      Hillary was ok - gems 11/03/08 (142)
        well... - mean 11/03/08 (128)
          fun part - gems 11/03/08 (124)
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