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Please read the letter below
送交者: t531 2008月11月04日06:23:08 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Election choices1314 於 2008-11-03 13:30:09
I got this letter yesterday, and if you have not voted yet, please consider carefully:

"Obama has actually said that if he won, he would like his first action as president to be the signing of the Freedom of Choice Act,
which would eliminate every other law against any aspect of abortion (partial birth abortion, parental notification, etc., etc.).

A message from the Knights of Columbus regarding the November 4 election:

Dear friend of the unborn:

It has been a difficult struggle, but the pro-life movement has accomplished many things since the Supreme Court's decision to preempt all state and federal laws regulating abortion in Roe v. Wade in 1973. While achieving the ultimate goal of overturning Roe remains somewhere in the future, we have been able to achieve many small successes along the way:

• the Hyde Amendment, which restricts federal funding for abortions;

• the federal law banning partial birth abortions, which was finally upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in April 2007;

• the "Mexico City Policy," which has barred the use of federal taxpayers' money to pay for abortions in other countries;

• laws in 44 states that preserve a parental role when children under 18 seek abortions;

• laws in 40 states that restrict late-term abortions;

• laws in 46 states that protect the right of conscience for individual health care providers;

• laws in 27 states that protect the right of conscience for institutions;

• laws in 38 states that ban partial birth abortions;

• laws in 33 states that require counseling before having an abortion;

• and laws in 16 states that provide for ultrasounds before an abortion.

All of these restrictions on abortion - all of the progress we've made over the past 35 years in trying to limit and reduce abortions in the United States - would be invalidated with the stroke of a pen if the next Congress passes, and the next president signs, the so-called "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA).
Before you cast your vote on Tuesday, please take the time and effort necessary to learn whether candidates for whom you might votefavor or oppose FOCA.

The Senate sponsors of FOCA are listed here:

The House sponsors of FOCA are listed here:

Obviously , if a candidate in your area is not listed among the sponsors, you may have to ask his or her campaign for their position on FOCA.

We have gathered much additional information about the Freedom of Choice Act, including links to material from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and on life issues generally on a special Knights of Columbus web page:


Remember, all that we've done together since Roe to save the lives of the unborn is at stake. Please pass on this message to your pro-life friends."
  Thank you for using KofC - gems 11/04/08 (228)
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