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I found out liberal and conser
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月11月04日11:12:44 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Stop using “liberal” to callgems 於 2008-11-04 10:04:52
conservative are two great WORDS that can
clarify many things into white and black.

Obama is a liberal Dem. representing young Americans
who never believe there is an absolute TRUTH, I am not sure
whether he proclaim Jesus is his Saviour from his heart,
usually Dem who can use church language (Carter, Clinton)
should win the race, if he loses, that is because of his father's

McCain is a liberal Rep. representing many baby boomer
who don't feel comfortable to thrown away all conservative values
but embrace many liberal ideas. It is crystal clear,
if there is no absolute TRUTH, why not embrace all
liberal values to make man feel better??!! Liberal Rep. usually
lose the race of presidency.
  you gotta understand - mean 11/04/08 (189)
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