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he was merely stating a fact
送交者: mean 2008月11月05日08:16:21 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我的淚只有往肚裡吞了lifi 於 2008-11-05 07:35:49
this country has long since ceased to be a christian nation. even at its inception, it was never meant to be a christian nation, but a so-called "god-fearing" nation with religious tolerance and separation between church and state. "in God we trust" wasn't even a motto until 1864, during the american civil war. if you don't mind being disillusioned, you might want to check out the religious beliefs of the more famous founding fathers, such as thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin. even george washington's faith is doubtful. they may be enlightened people, but they are enlightened people destined for hell. being raised in a christian environment, only makes them doubly so. in other words, Obama's statement rings truer to the founding ideology of america than most others.
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