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based on what i know of
送交者: mean 2008月11月07日20:13:17 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 那你到底是否同意xiangpu的原話?知音 於 2008-11-07 20:04:03
obama's faith, xiangpu may very well be right. i suggest you read that article and judge for yourself.

either way, if you don't believe that christ is the only path to salvation, i'd say your faith is questionable, even if you SAY you subscribe to apostle's creed. whether these christians are destined to be saved or not, is not up to me to say.

you might want to take a poll, see how many here believe what i say.
  如果搞民意測驗那Obama很可能是穆斯林 /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (136)
  所以社會福音信徒不是真正意義上的基督徒? /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (259)
    sigh... - mean 11/07/08 (282)
      不管你教義多正統你也可能不是真正意義的基督徒. - 笨函數 11/08/08 (181)
        whatever  /無內容 - mean 11/08/08 (138)
      多謝  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (202)
    但靈恩信徒是真正意義上的基督徒?  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (172)
      你越說俺越糊塗  /無內容 - 知音 11/07/08 (165)
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